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Civil Defense Litigation

Steve represents a variety of self-insureds, governmental entities and insurance companies with heavy emphasis on trial, appellate and coverage practice. He defends clients in all phases of litigation with dispositive motions, depositions and trials. Steve has had successful trial results in State and Federal court in Illinois and Indiana, defending Police Departments, Highway Commissioners, Townships and other insured/self-insured entities.

Recent Favorable Results

"Slipping Out of the Case: Early Defense Success Calls for Voluntary Dismissal of  Maine Township"

Case: Anderson v. Lansari et al.

Cook County, Illinois Case No. 2023L000033

Attorney for Defendant Maine Township: Steve Judge (Judge Law) 

Medical Damages: Over $200,000

In the matter of Anderson v. Lansari et al. (Case No. 2023L000033), Plaintiff Jimmy Ray Anderson alleged a slip-and-fall injury on January 22, 2022, at a parking lot located in Des Plaines, Illinois. Third-Party Plaintiff Mohammed Hasan sought to implicate Maine Township, claiming negligence in maintaining the premises. Maine Township swiftly contested its involvement, filing a Motion to Dismiss under 735 ILCS 5/2-619(a)(9), supported by evidence that the Township neither owned nor controlled the property.


The defense argued convincingly that without ownership, operation, or control, the Township owed no duty to the Plaintiff—an essential element for a negligence claim. Legal precedents and affidavits affirmed the Township’s position, leading to a voluntary dismissal of the claims. Through early and decisive efforts, the defense successfully eliminated Maine Township from the lawsuit, saving public resources and clearing the path for the matter to proceed between the remaining

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“Summary Judgment Granted For The Defense: Time Runs Out On Plaintiff’s Claim Against Casey’s"

Case: Kikilas v. Casey’s General Stores, Inc.

White County, Indiana File No.: 91C01-2009-CT-000026

Attorneys for Defendant Casey's: Steve Judge (Judge Law) and Steve Polick (Steven P. Polick & Assoc.)

Medical Damages: Excess of $50,000

Result: Summary Judgment Granted

In Kikilas v. Casey’s General Stores, Inc. (Cause No. 91C01-2009-CT-000026), Plaintiff John Kikilas alleged injuries from a slip-and-fall incident at Casey’s in Monon, Indiana. Represented by Steve Judge of Judge Law, LLC, the defense argued that the claim was barred by Indiana’s two-year statute of limitations for personal injury actions.

Key evidence, including medical records and Casey’s incident reports, confirmed that the fall occurred on September 17, 2018, while the Plaintiff filed suit on September 22, 2020—five days after the statutory deadline. The court found no genuine issue of material fact, relying on admissible records under Indiana Rule of Evidence 803(4) and 803(6).

Granting summary judgment in favor of Casey’s General Stores, the court underscored that statutory deadlines are definitive and cannot be ignored, delivering a clear victory for the defense.

“Not Guilty Jury Verdict For The Defense: Jury Pumps The Brakes On Plaintiff's $350K Demand Against Casey’s”

Case: Golab v. Casey’s General Stores, Inc.

Lake County, Indiana File No.: 45DO1-1905-CT-000540

Trial Attorneys for Defendant Town of Highland: Steve Judge (Judge Law) and Steve Polick (Steven P. Polick & Assoc.)

Medical Damages: $52,000 ($19,000 out of pocket)

Pre-Trial Settlement Offer: $100,000

Plaintiff’s Trial Demand: $350,000+

Result: Not Guilty (no award)


Plaintiff sued Defendant Casey’s General Stores, Inc. claiming that Casey’s was negligent in maintaining, operating, inspecting, and warning those on their premises so as to create an unsafe condition to Plaintiff. Plaintiff claimed that she slipped and fell on gasoline overflowing from her vehicle while utilizing the hold-open latch on the pump handle. Plaintiff fractured her left wrist, incurring medical expenses, economic loss and future pain and suffering.


Casey’s General Store had no notice of any defective condition with the hold-open latch prior to the incident, and Plaintiff was unsure where the gasoline was coming from, the pump handle or the nozzle. She did not notify any employee of a defect with the hold-open latch or any handle leak after the incident. The mechanism was operating appropriately prior to and on the date of the Plaintiff’s incident with no apparent leak. The conduct of the Plaintiff was found to be the sole, proximate cause of her injuries and damages. The jury ruled in favor of Casey’s General Stores, Inc., awarding no damages to Plaintiff.

Not Guilty Jury Verdict for Casey's General Stores
Not Guilty Slip and Fall Personal Injury Case
Not Guilty Personal Injury Case Town of Highland
Not Guilty Accident Personal Injury Town of Highland
Not Guilty Jury Verdict For Town of Highland

"Not Guilty Jury Verdict For The Defense in Tricycle Crosswalk Case: Clear Roads, Clear Verdict"

Case: Pasyk v. Town of Highland

Lake County, Indiana File No.: 45D11-1805-CT-000101

Trial Attorneys for Defendant Town of Highland: Steve Judge (Judge Law) and Steve Polick (Steven P. Polick & Assoc.)

Medical Damages: $14,000

Pre-Trial Settlement Offer: $40,000

Plaintiff’s Demand: $200,000

Result: Not Guilty (no award)


Plaintiff alleged negligence against Highland for an accident involving a Highland motorcycle police officer and a down-syndrome young man under his mother’s care, as he was attempting to ride an adult tricycle northbound across a five-lane highway in a crosswalk. Due to his special needs, he is incapable of exercising reasonable and ordinary care for his own safety. His mother acknowledged that she was solely responsible for facilitating his safe operation of the tricycle under the prevailing traffic conditions. There were alternative routes available that would have provided a safer means of crossing a five-lane highway during rush hour, including utilization of the stoplight crosswalk 630 feet to the west. The young man did not know how to operate the hand brakes on the tricycle and did not appreciate the risk of navigating traffic on his own. The mother nonetheless insisted on allowing him to lead in advance of her bicycle, thereby extinguishing any potential chance of her physically stopping him from advancing into the approaching traffic. Despite seeing the advance of the approaching motorcycle, the mother advised her son to proceed on the tricycle across the road and into the path of the police officer, who tilted the motorcycle to lessen the point of contact by the tricycle to the the rear left saddlebag of the motorcycle. The young man still lost his balance and fell from his tricycle, suffering a hairline fracture to his arm. The facts supported a finding that the motorcycle officer did not act recklessly or negligently. The jury ruled in favor of the Town of Highland, awarding no damages to Plaintiff.

"Swift Exit: Early Voluntary Dismissal For Downers Grove Township”


Case: Camiliere v. Downers Grove Township, et al.

DuPage Co. File No.: 2021L000593

Attorney for Downers Grove Township: Steve Judge


Plaintiff filed a wrongful death lawsuit against Downers Grove Township among other defendants, claiming that the Township owned, controlled, maintained and/or possessed the intersection and traffic control devices where a fatal traffic accident occurred. Rather than file an appearance, motions or participate in discovery, Steve worked quickly to obtain an affidavit and supporting documentation from the Township Highway Commissioner proving the Township did not own or maintain the intersection or traffic control devices located at the intersection, and convincing Plaintiff’s counsel to voluntarily dismiss the Township. This early dismissal saved the Township the time and expense that would have normally been spent on motion practice and was an overall favorable outcome for Downers Grove Township.

Early Voluntary Dismissal for Township
Summary Judgment Granted for Park District

“A Minor Step, A Major Win: Summary Judgment for Wheaton Park District”


Case: Fiske v. Wheaton Park District

DuPage Co. File No.: 2019L000817

Attorney for Wheaton Park District: Steve Judge


Plaintiff claimed a level change between two sidewalk slabs outside of an entrance at the Wheaton Park District Community Center was unreasonably dangerous and caused her to fall. The deviation was found to be a de minimis condition, and there was no evidence of willful and wanton conduct on behalf of the Park District. There is no evidence that the Park District had actual or constructive notice of any unreasonably dangerous condition. After oral argument, Judge Schwartz found that the evidence presented merited summary judgment in favor of the Wheaton Park District.

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